Dearest Lilah,
Today I noticed you noticing your hands. You sat, fascinated, while you rubbed first one hand and then the other...back and forth, stroking your own fingers and just watching as your realized the sensation you felt was connected to the actions you were controlling. It was neat.
Then you had super baby time with daddy tonight. You looked like a tiny dancer in the air, with your big grin and perfectly straight little legs as he "flew" you around. You are so happy with him, and I can really tell that you love him a lot. And boy does he love you!
You slept a long time today. You went to bed around 9:30 last night and slept straight through 4:00am. Then you slept again until about 7:00. After I changed you and got you fed, you went back to sleep again...until 11:30! We have concluded that you must be having quite the growth spurt, because you definitely do not normally sleep for 14 hours!
Anyway, we had a nice day today, we listened to lots of music and had a short outing to Wal-Mart. I wore you around and you slept. Some more. :-) I picked out fabrics for some gifts for your new friends, Baby Hannah and Baby CrawDod. Now if you'll just give me a few minutes tomorrow to cut some things out and start sewing them...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Roll, Baby, Roll!
Dearest Lilah -
Your daddy came downstairs yesterday afternoon with news. He was keeping an eye on your while I cleaned up for our dinner guests who were on their way.
"Our baby knows how to roll over!" he said.
"How do you know?" I asked, skeptical, because you are not supposed to do that yet.
"Because I put her down on her tummy to nap and when she woke up she was on her back, looking right at me!" **
"Well, wow!"
So there you go. Age 11 weeks and 2 days, you rolled from front to back for the first time.
Now - this was most likely a fluke since you can't seem to work your arms in general, but we are proud of you just the same.
**Yes, we are horrible parents who - due to your excellent neck strength and control - allow you to sleep on your stomach for naps. It's something else you can talk about in therapy.
Your daddy came downstairs yesterday afternoon with news. He was keeping an eye on your while I cleaned up for our dinner guests who were on their way.
"Our baby knows how to roll over!" he said.
"How do you know?" I asked, skeptical, because you are not supposed to do that yet.
"Because I put her down on her tummy to nap and when she woke up she was on her back, looking right at me!" **
"Well, wow!"
So there you go. Age 11 weeks and 2 days, you rolled from front to back for the first time.
Now - this was most likely a fluke since you can't seem to work your arms in general, but we are proud of you just the same.
**Yes, we are horrible parents who - due to your excellent neck strength and control - allow you to sleep on your stomach for naps. It's something else you can talk about in therapy.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
A good use of time
Dearest Lilah,
Your daddy took you upstairs with him to work for a little while because I was babied out. I am not the world's best multi-tasker, and when you're with me, I feel like I owe you the bulk of my attention, even though most of the time you turn away from me in favor of smiling and cooing at the red flowers (who are your bffs) on the blanket that sits on the back of the sofa.
So your daddy was surprised when I took my opportunity to have free hands to do this today:

When I was little, I remember watching Fantasy Island with my Mama and I really liked that show. Seeing you as Tattoo - Mr Roark's right hand little person - was too hilarious to pass up. I hope this shows you a little bit of Mommy's wierd sense of humor. Even though you don't look anything like me, you seem to have inherited all my weirdest traits: Ears with tiny dimples that look like piercings, funny shaped pinky toes, and I hope beyond hopes that you get my weird sense of humor, too. That'll make things much better for us when we don't seem to have much else in common, and maybe that will keep us close when you're a grown up girl with other interests and things to do that don't include your old mother.

HA HA HA HA! Your little face is sweet no matter what it's stuck on.
Your daddy took you upstairs with him to work for a little while because I was babied out. I am not the world's best multi-tasker, and when you're with me, I feel like I owe you the bulk of my attention, even though most of the time you turn away from me in favor of smiling and cooing at the red flowers (who are your bffs) on the blanket that sits on the back of the sofa.
So your daddy was surprised when I took my opportunity to have free hands to do this today:

When I was little, I remember watching Fantasy Island with my Mama and I really liked that show. Seeing you as Tattoo - Mr Roark's right hand little person - was too hilarious to pass up. I hope this shows you a little bit of Mommy's wierd sense of humor. Even though you don't look anything like me, you seem to have inherited all my weirdest traits: Ears with tiny dimples that look like piercings, funny shaped pinky toes, and I hope beyond hopes that you get my weird sense of humor, too. That'll make things much better for us when we don't seem to have much else in common, and maybe that will keep us close when you're a grown up girl with other interests and things to do that don't include your old mother.

Good Eats:
Dearest Lilah -
You've always been what can be considered a "good eater." From the day you were born, you never had any trouble figuring out the whole breast-feeding deal. Though I, and my poor nipples, disagree with your latch, I figured it was a small price to pay for you to be doing so well. That's why I have been worried about you this week. This week when we went back to the doctor to get another of your vaccinations, I was surprised to find that you had lost 10 ounces in the past couple of weeks! How could this be? You are still eating like a champ and having all the wet and correctly colored dirty diapers that you are supposed to.
I've racked my brain and worried the past couple of days that you might not actually be getting enough to eat; I've thought that's why you never take long naps or sleep very long. And I worry this much and try to come up with solutions for our "problem" even though the nurse practitioner at the doctor's office said you looked perfect and wasn't alarmed at all by your weight loss upon hearing that you were exclusively breastfed.
This is what happens when you take a person who is already prone to worry and then give her a centimeter to worry on.
So, dearest girl, please do me the favor of putting back on those lost ounces before our next trip to the doctor so I can sleep again at night!
You've always been what can be considered a "good eater." From the day you were born, you never had any trouble figuring out the whole breast-feeding deal. Though I, and my poor nipples, disagree with your latch, I figured it was a small price to pay for you to be doing so well. That's why I have been worried about you this week. This week when we went back to the doctor to get another of your vaccinations, I was surprised to find that you had lost 10 ounces in the past couple of weeks! How could this be? You are still eating like a champ and having all the wet and correctly colored dirty diapers that you are supposed to.
I've racked my brain and worried the past couple of days that you might not actually be getting enough to eat; I've thought that's why you never take long naps or sleep very long. And I worry this much and try to come up with solutions for our "problem" even though the nurse practitioner at the doctor's office said you looked perfect and wasn't alarmed at all by your weight loss upon hearing that you were exclusively breastfed.
This is what happens when you take a person who is already prone to worry and then give her a centimeter to worry on.
So, dearest girl, please do me the favor of putting back on those lost ounces before our next trip to the doctor so I can sleep again at night!
Dearest Lilah,
I was feeling badly about being behind on your baby book. And by "behind," I mean "haven't started it yet." That's when I realized that since I wasn't going for a traditional baby book anyway, I should just create a baby book blog so I can make sure to get all those little important things down on virtual paper before I forget them, and then I can go back and make your hands on paper book when you're a little older and I have the time.
I was feeling badly about being behind on your baby book. And by "behind," I mean "haven't started it yet." That's when I realized that since I wasn't going for a traditional baby book anyway, I should just create a baby book blog so I can make sure to get all those little important things down on virtual paper before I forget them, and then I can go back and make your hands on paper book when you're a little older and I have the time.
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