Your daddy took you upstairs with him to work for a little while because I was babied out. I am not the world's best multi-tasker, and when you're with me, I feel like I owe you the bulk of my attention, even though most of the time you turn away from me in favor of smiling and cooing at the red flowers (who are your bffs) on the blanket that sits on the back of the sofa.
So your daddy was surprised when I took my opportunity to have free hands to do this today:

When I was little, I remember watching Fantasy Island with my Mama and I really liked that show. Seeing you as Tattoo - Mr Roark's right hand little person - was too hilarious to pass up. I hope this shows you a little bit of Mommy's wierd sense of humor. Even though you don't look anything like me, you seem to have inherited all my weirdest traits: Ears with tiny dimples that look like piercings, funny shaped pinky toes, and I hope beyond hopes that you get my weird sense of humor, too. That'll make things much better for us when we don't seem to have much else in common, and maybe that will keep us close when you're a grown up girl with other interests and things to do that don't include your old mother.
