Yesterday was HUGE.
You rolled over. Not for the very first time, but for the first time on purpose. Multiple Times. Three times in about 10 minutes, to be exact. I was so proud of you! I can't believe how big you are getting...you have almost grown completely out of your size 2 diapers, too. I'm very interested to see how much you weigh when we take you to your next doctor's appointment. I'm guessing 15 pounds. BIG GIRL!
We had a long week without daddy here, but we were able to do some fun things. You have been sitting in your Bebe Pod and actually playing with the toy that is on it for the past week or so. Before I would put you in there and you just fell over, having zero interest in that toy whatsoever. Your rapid development is absolutely stunning to me, and I can't even imagine if it went any faster, like some of your baby friends. You may not be ahead of the game, but I'm kind of ok with that. I want you to enjoy being a baby. I don't want to pressure you to do anything faster than the pace you are working at. It's too much fun to watch you learn.
You've also been sticking out your tongue lately ALL. THE. TIME. What is that? Is it because you like when I make the funny lizard tongue noises at you? Is it because you hear your name all the time and you're trying to figure out how to make an "L"? It is always stuck out and curled up over the right side of your lip. It's hysterical. And you lick EVERYTHING. "What's this? My toy? I will lick it!" "What's this? My bib? I will lick it!!" "What's this? A rock? I will lick it!" "What's this? The dog? I will lick it!" and so on and so forth. I know that they say that our tongues are the most sensitive parts of our bodies and that's why babies use them to figure out their surroundings, but it's just too funny watching that little pink tongue touch everything it can.
You are such a big girl. You turned five months old this week and I cannot even believe it. Everything is so different now. You have started taking regular naps in the morning and the afternoon, even if the times change a little bit from day to day. You go to sleep on your own most nights. I just put you down and you peek over the top of your crib at me and smile. I tell you "Night Night! I love you." and then when I leave, you have a little chat with your fuzzies and the next thing I know, you're out for your longest sleep cycle. I feel really guilty putting you to bed when you're asleep. I feel like I'm missing out on time that I could be looking at you or playing with you, but I know you are tired and you need the rest. It's in your sleep that your hair grows, I'm convinced. Every day when you wake up, it's longer!
I can't believe how much I miss your infancy. I mean, now you are a baby, but you aren't a newborn anymore. And that's wierd. To me, anyway. I feel like you're going to be grown up soon and I will have missed something very important. The first month or two you were here it was so much about just surviving...learning who you were as a new person and trying to keep you happy. As much as I would like to give you a sibling sometimes, I don't know how I could "survive" that time again with a new person and still give you all the love and attention and time that I want to give you. Of course, part of me can't even believe I'm talking about another baby but once you have one, it definitely is like a switch is thrown and you want another. Even if you don't want another. At least that is how it has been for me. I remember when you were two weeks old and I was sitting on the couch, holding you and looking at you and marveling at the perfection of you and I told your daddy that I wanted TWELVE MORE BABIES. I just could not imagine the rest of my life not having one of these little sleepy squishy precious dreaming babies in my arms. And that is still true, somewhere in the crazy part of me. But don't worry, sweetie. You will not have to contend with 11 brothers and sisters. I promise.