Sunday, March 29, 2009

Roll, Baby, Roll!

Dearest Lilah -

Your daddy came downstairs yesterday afternoon with news. He was keeping an eye on your while I cleaned up for our dinner guests who were on their way.

"Our baby knows how to roll over!" he said.

"How do you know?" I asked, skeptical, because you are not supposed to do that yet.

"Because I put her down on her tummy to nap and when she woke up she was on her back, looking right at me!" **

"Well, wow!"

So there you go. Age 11 weeks and 2 days, you rolled from front to back for the first time.

Now - this was most likely a fluke since you can't seem to work your arms in general, but we are proud of you just the same.

**Yes, we are horrible parents who - due to your excellent neck strength and control - allow you to sleep on your stomach for naps. It's something else you can talk about in therapy.