Aside from the moment of your birth, you've never spent any measurable amount of time submerged in water. We have a little mesh chair that you sit in when taking your baths, and we just pour water over you as needed. Up until now, that's been the easiest thing to do. But lately you have started to get all "I want to sit straight up and not recline in my seat" on us, and that makes it more difficult since the chair tends to tip forward when you do, and I have had many flashes of the horror that would be you face-planting it into the side of the tub. But we have been reluctant to run the tub and let you sit in there, splashing away in the water because of the very sad crying faces you made at Jack's birthday party when Daddy held you down and let you put your feet in the baby pools. We had decided that you didn't care one bit for standing water and that would be that. Maybe you'd just grow up taking showers as a tiny person, who knew? But then we got the opportunity to go swimming this week and so I just decided if worse came to worst, then at least we could sit on the side and make vitamin D together.
Boy was I wrong to worry! You ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. You splashed. You kicked. You made like a duck in your little baby boat and paddled yourself in circles. It was HYSTERICAL how happy you were! Sadly, being the crap Mommy that I am, I had forgotten the camera at home. (In my defense, I had taken the battery out to charge it and forgot it because we were running late and I didn't walk past it in the mad dash out the door.) Luckily, Miss Beth - our hostess at the pool along with her sweet girls - had her husband bring out her camera to take a few snaps of your inaugural splash.

Kicking. Kicking. Kicking.

Big old grin indicates the pool <3!

On your own in your little baby boat! You tried to gnaw your way to the water below.

Here I am, just so you don't grow up thinking I abandoned you in a floaty in the pool all alone.
I think, baby girl, that we'll be able to start sitting you in the tub like a big girl now.