Oh my goodness! My sweet little baby is now six months old! And you are so right on schedule with all your milestones. Such good news! You can now sit up for quite awhile unassisted. You could sit indefinitely if you never got interested in a toy out of your reach. And bless your heart, even when you tip over and fall flat on your face, you don't cry. You just look surprised, and then you flatten out and continue your quest for the toy that was eluding you. I'm not so sure that I'm ready for you to be mobile. Mommy has a lot of cleaning up and Lilah-proofing to do before she's ready for that!
Your first tooth is coming in nicely. At your six month check up today, the nurse practitioner said she saw your other bottom front tooth getting ready to join us, too. Oh my! TWO TEETH! I haven't even gotten used to the fact that you're going to have ONE tooth, let alone two! You weighed in at 15lbs, 1oz - exactly double your birth weight - and were 27 1/4 inches long. You are tall and thin, just like...well, just like no one we know! Where are you getting that from? Maybe you will even out when you start to eat real foods, but if you keep getting taller, you are going to dash my hopes of you ever wearing any of the clothes I bought for you to wear this winter! :-)

You also experienced your first Fourth of July this year! We headed out to the Saturday market that morning and you wore this little dress that said, "Miss Independent" along with a bib proclaiming that it was your first 4th. We then headed out to Target and then had to find Mommy some sparklers!!! You didn't manage to stay awake until it got dark enough to play with them, and surprisingly, our neighbors' bottle rocket wars right outside your window didn't seem to bother you, either! I decided it must be all that James Bond you help Daddy play! Daddy and I took some special long exposure pictures with the sparklers we had, though, and I wanted to make you something to remember the day by, even though you were asleep!

You finally got cranky when it was past your bedtime, so we went back to the hotel after grabbing some dinner from a restaurant across the street. You were so tired, but you did so well! And I was SUPER proud of how well you slept in that hotel room! You had a little alcove where we put your bed and, though it took you a few minutes, you fell asleep just like you normally do, which I'm sure wasn't easy with Mommy and Daddy whispering just a few feet away!
The next day, we didn't get to meet back up with Aunt Jan Jan because she had all her family stuff going on. We missed her, but understood. I mean, afterall - she had come down to see them, not us! But we were glad for the few hours we did get! And we hope to go visit her in Detroit one day soon, maybe this fall if we can make it work :-) That might be your first plane ride!
Since Aunt Jan Jan was busy, we decided to poke around Gatlinburg a little. I bought you a few new things at the Carter's outlet and then we walked the main strip in Gatlinburg. I told your daddy we weren't leaving without an airbrushed t-shirt or an Olde Tymey photo, but he wasn't going for it. I was persistent, but he knew that sooner or later, I'd get tired and ready to go home and would leave without it. He's a smart man when it comes to me, Lilah. Remember that when you are looking for a husband: A man who is smart on you is a man who pays attention and cares. Even though we didn't get airbrushed shirts, we got matching socks, and I can't wait for us to wear them :-) We also got something better than an Olde Tymey photo: We got a photo of ourselves in the GENERAL LEE! It was the most badass car of the late 70's and early 80's, babygirl. Until KITT from Knight Rider came along, it was THE star car of television.

And we actually got a family photo in, too. Well, sort of. Daddy was on a business call when a woman asked if we wanted our picture taken after seeing me take one of you with Daddy. I said sure and thought he'd tell the person to hang on, but nope, there he is, on his business call in our family vacation photo. That right there should give me argument enough for why I deserve a family Olde Tymey photo the next time we go there!

You have now been to all the states that surround South Carolina, so you're going to have to get right with traveling so you can branch out of the southeast! I can't wait to show you the world!