Dearest Lilah -
I just wanted to note that you have started to laugh in anticipation of getting a zerbert on the belly. It is HILARIOUS. You KNOW it is going to tickle, so you start to laugh before we even get to your belly.
And then sometimes you squeal. Really loudly.
I have found myself lately wondering when I draw the line on the squealing. I mean, I know you are just finding your voice and experimenting. I do not want to stifle that. I also do not want you to be that shrieking kid. Everyone sort of hates that kid. So, if you want to squeal right now, it's ok, but know that soon I will be asking you to stop.
PS: ...pation!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Well, you've gone and stuck your foot in your mouth -
Dearest Lilah -
Congratulations! You have discovered your foot! The past three days you have spent many hours attempting to get your foot from where your foot is to your mouth. You attempt this every time you are sockless. You are far less interested in your foot when you have socks's like you forget your pudgy pink toes are there, just ripe for the biting.
This new found foot fetish accompanies your new interest in flopping your hands into whatever is closest to you. This weekend, you flopped your hand into Tikka Masala and Queso, and tonight you tried to flop your hand into Daddy's hibachi rice. Luckily, I have interceded and cleaned off your hand before you had a chance to either wipe the substances in your eye or lick them off...neither of which seem like a good idea to me.
You have also decided that it is HILARIOUS when I talk to you in a funny low voice. It is seriously the most hilarious thing you've ever seen. Even when you're sad, if I talk to you in a low voice, you crack up and laugh like a big girl.
I like how you're beginning to be curious about your environment, but I know that this means you're about to be into EVERYTHING and I'm actually going to have to keep things up and out of your long-fingered grasp.
When I went to get you out of bed this morning, you looked like a sky-diver: arms flung behind you, legs straight, middle rocked back and forth while you held your head up big and strong like a grown up girl...and when I said, "Good Morning, Pretty girl!" you smiled a big huge smile and then immediately played shy, hiding your face in your sheet. It is *so* nice that you wake up happy almost each and every morning. Even if you do dissolve into tears when I change your diaper before feeding you (honey, seriously, you were super wet and I didn't want that all over my jammies).

We took you to a party tonight where you were the belle of the wore a little green party dress and looked like a doll. But it was close to eating and sleeping time, and when all these strangers came up on you and talked to you and touched you, you poked out that little bottom lip and let us know that this was NOT fun for you. In fact, you didn't smile at all until your Aunt Gina showed up and started talking to you. She managed to say just the right things and keep you from crying until we could leave. You were asleep in your car seat before we got a mile away.
In case I don't tell you enough, thanks for being such an awesome baby. We really enjoy having you live with us. Please stay this way always.*
*By always, I mean awesome, not a tiny baby. That would be creepy and weird.
Congratulations! You have discovered your foot! The past three days you have spent many hours attempting to get your foot from where your foot is to your mouth. You attempt this every time you are sockless. You are far less interested in your foot when you have socks's like you forget your pudgy pink toes are there, just ripe for the biting.
This new found foot fetish accompanies your new interest in flopping your hands into whatever is closest to you. This weekend, you flopped your hand into Tikka Masala and Queso, and tonight you tried to flop your hand into Daddy's hibachi rice. Luckily, I have interceded and cleaned off your hand before you had a chance to either wipe the substances in your eye or lick them off...neither of which seem like a good idea to me.
You have also decided that it is HILARIOUS when I talk to you in a funny low voice. It is seriously the most hilarious thing you've ever seen. Even when you're sad, if I talk to you in a low voice, you crack up and laugh like a big girl.
I like how you're beginning to be curious about your environment, but I know that this means you're about to be into EVERYTHING and I'm actually going to have to keep things up and out of your long-fingered grasp.
When I went to get you out of bed this morning, you looked like a sky-diver: arms flung behind you, legs straight, middle rocked back and forth while you held your head up big and strong like a grown up girl...and when I said, "Good Morning, Pretty girl!" you smiled a big huge smile and then immediately played shy, hiding your face in your sheet. It is *so* nice that you wake up happy almost each and every morning. Even if you do dissolve into tears when I change your diaper before feeding you (honey, seriously, you were super wet and I didn't want that all over my jammies).

We took you to a party tonight where you were the belle of the wore a little green party dress and looked like a doll. But it was close to eating and sleeping time, and when all these strangers came up on you and talked to you and touched you, you poked out that little bottom lip and let us know that this was NOT fun for you. In fact, you didn't smile at all until your Aunt Gina showed up and started talking to you. She managed to say just the right things and keep you from crying until we could leave. You were asleep in your car seat before we got a mile away.
In case I don't tell you enough, thanks for being such an awesome baby. We really enjoy having you live with us. Please stay this way always.*
*By always, I mean awesome, not a tiny baby. That would be creepy and weird.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Happy Creation Day!
Dearest Lilah -
In looking at my calendar, I find that your basic cell structure started on this day one year ago. Therefore, you are technically one-year-old. You may think that's too much information, but I find it somewhat fascinating. I mean, come on - the core of your very being is now a whole year old! And when I think of how big you have grown since that very first division of cells...well, the scientific geek in me has her mind blown. Today is probably the only day I will be sad that I don't have one of those early ultrasound photos of you as a little spec. That way you could see all of your development from spec to now!
As it is, you will have to settle for your ultrasound photo and a recent picture, and my best wishes for first year in existence!

In looking at my calendar, I find that your basic cell structure started on this day one year ago. Therefore, you are technically one-year-old. You may think that's too much information, but I find it somewhat fascinating. I mean, come on - the core of your very being is now a whole year old! And when I think of how big you have grown since that very first division of cells...well, the scientific geek in me has her mind blown. Today is probably the only day I will be sad that I don't have one of those early ultrasound photos of you as a little spec. That way you could see all of your development from spec to now!
As it is, you will have to settle for your ultrasound photo and a recent picture, and my best wishes for first year in existence!

Monday, April 20, 2009
Who taught you that?
Dearest Lilah -
I can't believe I haven't written about your first trip to Alabama or your first trip to my home town of Jacksonville. You keep me pretty busy, but I'll find time to write about them soon, and hopefully even be motivated enough to put up pictures. But I needed to capture today before I forgot, because today - You were awesome.
First of all, you slept and slept last night. After being dead asleep by 8:30pm, you got up once to eat around 3:30 and again around 6:30. You were VERY smiley when I came in to get you when you woke up again at 8:00. You were laughing and talking and squealing to your animal friends. Little did I know that your good mood would last ALL day. You were also so funny - you do not yet push up with your arms, but your little knees were pulled up under you so that your butt was in the air as you tried and tried to get to those fuzzy friends of yours. You somehow turn 90 degrees in your sleep each night...counter clockwise. If I lay you down facing the left, when I come to pick you up you'll be facing down. If I lay you down facing to the right, you end up facing up. And you don't quite fit so well up and down in your crib anymore. I remember when we first got the crib set up and put you in it - it was SO huge and you were this teenie little bundle in the middle. You are just growing so fast!
Daddy had a meeting to go to, so he left around 10:00am and you took a shower with me after we watched your favorite morning talk show: Dr. Phil. I would peek out from the shower curtain and you would LAUGH! Then I fed you and we went out to Hobby Lobby and the post office. I was worried that you would have a bad experience in the car, since you had to ride so long yesterday, but you fell asleep on the way to Hobby Lobby! We walked around and you sucked the side of the Snugli as we looked at all sorts of fun craft stuff. I realized after awhile that I had been pretty quiet and started to talk to you. I used to realize that all the time while I was pregnant - that I hadn't talked in a long time. I was really afraid you wouldn't know me when you were born because I didn't talk to you like I assumed I would, what with all the pet-talking I had done before I got pregnant. But back to you - So then I gave you a quick lunch in the car and it was on to the post office. I needed to mail a small package and some cards, and you were an excellent helper - just look!

You were touching all over the box, trying to get it into your mouth. Just last week you would have totally ignored a box in your lap. All the people in the post office remarked at how cute you were and what a good helper. :-) Everyone remarks about you, Lilah. They think you are cute and fun. And they are right!
We came home, and Daddy decided to take you out on some errands with him. He said you talked and sang* the whole time. He also said you were pulling your "coy" act when he had you at a gift shop. I want to know who taught you to play coy?! You are only 3 months old. How do you know that? And why did you do ok in your carseat today when normally you would have screamed like it was torture? I think you learn things really quickly. You have started to touch your feet and your knees with your hands when I change you, and you will grab your burp cloth and pull it to your mouth to chew on it when I lay it near you. You also have started to hold on if I bend over while holding you, and you definitely prefer to sit up than to be reclined. *I have determined that when you start to make a sound like you are crying, but you are making happy faces, that this is your version of singing. You must think it is a part of general communication, because we sing songs to you between 50 - 80% of our communications with you. When you got home, the only time you cried was when you were hungry again.
And then by 7:00, you were exhausted. I tried to keep you awake until your 8:30 normal bedtime routine, but felt sorry for you and so to bed you went at 8:00pm. I'm about to go to bed, too, because I am pretty sure you will wake up in a couple of hours ready for a meal :-)
Does someone come to you at night and teach you all this stuff? I hope they are nice to you. And I hope tomorrow is just like today, because you were a peach. You were so sweet, I want to get you up just to hold you! But I won't. Because I'll have a chance again tomorrow. Lucky me!
I can't believe I haven't written about your first trip to Alabama or your first trip to my home town of Jacksonville. You keep me pretty busy, but I'll find time to write about them soon, and hopefully even be motivated enough to put up pictures. But I needed to capture today before I forgot, because today - You were awesome.
First of all, you slept and slept last night. After being dead asleep by 8:30pm, you got up once to eat around 3:30 and again around 6:30. You were VERY smiley when I came in to get you when you woke up again at 8:00. You were laughing and talking and squealing to your animal friends. Little did I know that your good mood would last ALL day. You were also so funny - you do not yet push up with your arms, but your little knees were pulled up under you so that your butt was in the air as you tried and tried to get to those fuzzy friends of yours. You somehow turn 90 degrees in your sleep each night...counter clockwise. If I lay you down facing the left, when I come to pick you up you'll be facing down. If I lay you down facing to the right, you end up facing up. And you don't quite fit so well up and down in your crib anymore. I remember when we first got the crib set up and put you in it - it was SO huge and you were this teenie little bundle in the middle. You are just growing so fast!
Daddy had a meeting to go to, so he left around 10:00am and you took a shower with me after we watched your favorite morning talk show: Dr. Phil. I would peek out from the shower curtain and you would LAUGH! Then I fed you and we went out to Hobby Lobby and the post office. I was worried that you would have a bad experience in the car, since you had to ride so long yesterday, but you fell asleep on the way to Hobby Lobby! We walked around and you sucked the side of the Snugli as we looked at all sorts of fun craft stuff. I realized after awhile that I had been pretty quiet and started to talk to you. I used to realize that all the time while I was pregnant - that I hadn't talked in a long time. I was really afraid you wouldn't know me when you were born because I didn't talk to you like I assumed I would, what with all the pet-talking I had done before I got pregnant. But back to you - So then I gave you a quick lunch in the car and it was on to the post office. I needed to mail a small package and some cards, and you were an excellent helper - just look!

You were touching all over the box, trying to get it into your mouth. Just last week you would have totally ignored a box in your lap. All the people in the post office remarked at how cute you were and what a good helper. :-) Everyone remarks about you, Lilah. They think you are cute and fun. And they are right!
We came home, and Daddy decided to take you out on some errands with him. He said you talked and sang* the whole time. He also said you were pulling your "coy" act when he had you at a gift shop. I want to know who taught you to play coy?! You are only 3 months old. How do you know that? And why did you do ok in your carseat today when normally you would have screamed like it was torture? I think you learn things really quickly. You have started to touch your feet and your knees with your hands when I change you, and you will grab your burp cloth and pull it to your mouth to chew on it when I lay it near you. You also have started to hold on if I bend over while holding you, and you definitely prefer to sit up than to be reclined. *I have determined that when you start to make a sound like you are crying, but you are making happy faces, that this is your version of singing. You must think it is a part of general communication, because we sing songs to you between 50 - 80% of our communications with you. When you got home, the only time you cried was when you were hungry again.
And then by 7:00, you were exhausted. I tried to keep you awake until your 8:30 normal bedtime routine, but felt sorry for you and so to bed you went at 8:00pm. I'm about to go to bed, too, because I am pretty sure you will wake up in a couple of hours ready for a meal :-)
Does someone come to you at night and teach you all this stuff? I hope they are nice to you. And I hope tomorrow is just like today, because you were a peach. You were so sweet, I want to get you up just to hold you! But I won't. Because I'll have a chance again tomorrow. Lucky me!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
First Easter -
Dearest Lilah -
Happy Easter! Continuing our trend of being slack, negligent parents, we did not invite the Easter Bunny to stop by the house this year. Our thinking is that since you are only three months old and are not going to remember this year anyway, we can let some other child get the attention from the Easter Bunny this year and wait until you are a bit older. But that didn't mean that you missed out on all the Easter fun. We spent the day traveling around Greenville to visit with family and friends!
First we went to Uncle Tripp and Aunt Gina's house for brunch. You were not having a good morning and were pretty grumpy visiting there. It was too bad, because you don't often get to see them and I was hoping you would put on your smiley show for them. But oh no. Upside down "U" mouth most of the morning! No smiles for Uncle Tripp. No smiles for Aunt Gina. No smiles for Grandmama. Nope, even when you were sitting with Uncle Aaron you weren't your usual happy self! But we had a great brunch and then watched Seph hunt for his eggs. You had to have a little nap around noon.
A couple of hours later, we went to Nana and Grandpa Bob Cooper's for dinner. We had a delicious sat so pretty with Daddy at the table and fell asleep not long after the salad course. After a short nap, you rejoined us for the end of the meal and then proceeded to be totally cute for the rest of the afternoon! You smiled and giggled and checked out your friend Meredith! You had a good time watching Evan and Indy play with his star man. You would laugh and smile every time they ran by. You really did will for Tim and Beth and Danny and Nichole and Uncle Zufall!
You are conked out now, sleeping like crazy. I hope you enjoyed your first Easter, baby, and I look forward to teaching you all about the meaning of this holiday when you get older.
Love you -
Happy Easter! Continuing our trend of being slack, negligent parents, we did not invite the Easter Bunny to stop by the house this year. Our thinking is that since you are only three months old and are not going to remember this year anyway, we can let some other child get the attention from the Easter Bunny this year and wait until you are a bit older. But that didn't mean that you missed out on all the Easter fun. We spent the day traveling around Greenville to visit with family and friends!
First we went to Uncle Tripp and Aunt Gina's house for brunch. You were not having a good morning and were pretty grumpy visiting there. It was too bad, because you don't often get to see them and I was hoping you would put on your smiley show for them. But oh no. Upside down "U" mouth most of the morning! No smiles for Uncle Tripp. No smiles for Aunt Gina. No smiles for Grandmama. Nope, even when you were sitting with Uncle Aaron you weren't your usual happy self! But we had a great brunch and then watched Seph hunt for his eggs. You had to have a little nap around noon.
A couple of hours later, we went to Nana and Grandpa Bob Cooper's for dinner. We had a delicious sat so pretty with Daddy at the table and fell asleep not long after the salad course. After a short nap, you rejoined us for the end of the meal and then proceeded to be totally cute for the rest of the afternoon! You smiled and giggled and checked out your friend Meredith! You had a good time watching Evan and Indy play with his star man. You would laugh and smile every time they ran by. You really did will for Tim and Beth and Danny and Nichole and Uncle Zufall!
You are conked out now, sleeping like crazy. I hope you enjoyed your first Easter, baby, and I look forward to teaching you all about the meaning of this holiday when you get older.
Love you -
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
A quarter of the year -
Dearest Lilah,
Well, you have survived us for three whole months, and we still couldn't feel more blessed to have such a good baby! You have started being so much more interactive the past couple of weeks...when I change your diaper, you like to grab my shirt sleeve and pull it to your mouth. You have started laughing like a real person now instead of just doing your little cough laugh. You are also sleeping more and more...the past two nights you slept 6 and 7 hours straight and then after eating went right back to sleep for at least 3 more hours. Mommy appreciates that so much!
I can't believe that this time last year I was about to be pregnant with you. That seems like SO long ago! And I know it's because the last three months have been so different for seems like FOREVER ago that you were a new baby, but also it doesn't even seem like you should already be three months old! And you're getting so BIG! You've grown out of a lot of clothes...we are having to do wardrobe switches in your dressers. So it sort of looks like a tornado hit your bedroom right now. :-)
Tonight we went to eat dinner with Uncle Brian at Chick-Fil-A. I watched as everyone in the restaurant looked at you and then talked amongst themselves about you. I saw so many people mouth, "Isn't she cute!" and one of the workers said how sweet your daddy and Uncle Brian were to hold you while I ate unencumbered. She doesn't know that your Daddy always does that for me, and Uncle Brian just loves to hold you, it had nothing to do with letting me eat and everything to do with him holding you!
It was a big day for our friends today, on your three month birthday. You got a new playmate today, as Hannah Kate McCurry was born. She came into the world at a whopping 9 pounds 10 oz, which was a full two pounds and two ounces more than you when you were born! Thank goodness you were small!! Aunt Kristi is a trooper for having two nine pound babies!
Well, it's late and I'd better get to bed. I've gotten spoiled the past couple of nights getting some good sleep. We've got a big couple of weeks coming up, so I hope to add a lot here.
We love you baby - thank you for joining our family!
Well, you have survived us for three whole months, and we still couldn't feel more blessed to have such a good baby! You have started being so much more interactive the past couple of weeks...when I change your diaper, you like to grab my shirt sleeve and pull it to your mouth. You have started laughing like a real person now instead of just doing your little cough laugh. You are also sleeping more and more...the past two nights you slept 6 and 7 hours straight and then after eating went right back to sleep for at least 3 more hours. Mommy appreciates that so much!
I can't believe that this time last year I was about to be pregnant with you. That seems like SO long ago! And I know it's because the last three months have been so different for seems like FOREVER ago that you were a new baby, but also it doesn't even seem like you should already be three months old! And you're getting so BIG! You've grown out of a lot of clothes...we are having to do wardrobe switches in your dressers. So it sort of looks like a tornado hit your bedroom right now. :-)
Tonight we went to eat dinner with Uncle Brian at Chick-Fil-A. I watched as everyone in the restaurant looked at you and then talked amongst themselves about you. I saw so many people mouth, "Isn't she cute!" and one of the workers said how sweet your daddy and Uncle Brian were to hold you while I ate unencumbered. She doesn't know that your Daddy always does that for me, and Uncle Brian just loves to hold you, it had nothing to do with letting me eat and everything to do with him holding you!
It was a big day for our friends today, on your three month birthday. You got a new playmate today, as Hannah Kate McCurry was born. She came into the world at a whopping 9 pounds 10 oz, which was a full two pounds and two ounces more than you when you were born! Thank goodness you were small!! Aunt Kristi is a trooper for having two nine pound babies!
Well, it's late and I'd better get to bed. I've gotten spoiled the past couple of nights getting some good sleep. We've got a big couple of weeks coming up, so I hope to add a lot here.
We love you baby - thank you for joining our family!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Where has twelve weeks gone?
Dearest Lilah,
Your daddy took you out visiting today. You went to see one of his clients, and then you went to see Miss Kathy and Miss Lauren. You put on a good show for everyone, he said, because you are a great visiting baby. You smile and coo and show them all your good tricks. We appreciate your trickiness. :-)
You sat with me for a little while - maybe 30 minutes - while I sewed. When you got tired of watching me from your swing, I sat you in my lap. You did not care for the sound the machine made. This was funny to me, because when I used to sew while I was pregnant, you got all active and smacky and kicky then, too, and I always said, "I guess you don't like that noise!" and apparently that is still true.
Today you really were checking out my arm. You have looked at it and touched it a lot before, but today you were fascinated. I think it's the first time you realized you could touch it and that it was part of me. Surprise! I'm more than just boobs! :-) But you were very cute, touching my arm, and I'd say, "That's my ARM! Arm! Arm! Arm!" and you'd pull your hand back, look at me and laugh while looking away all coy-like. Then you'd start over.
You also did a lot of vocalizing tonight. We would say, "HEY!" and you'd make noises that sounded like you were trying to copy us by saying "HEY!" back. I think your first word will probably be something totally "HAIR!" or something else like that. Definitely not "Mommy" or "Daddy." Maybe "Sully," though. We talk about him a lot.
We also played a little bit with a toy from Aunt Gina and Uncle Tripp. You liked the snake that made a rattle noise and kept patting it and being amused with the noise. You also liked touching the giraffe and looked a little bit at yourself in the mirror. I was glad you were reaching out and touching the toy - I had started to worry that you weren't going to ever show an interest in touching things with your hands. Of course, you're still not TOO keen on that whole "pushing up" thing...
I'm looking forward to what you decide to do tomorrow!
Your daddy took you out visiting today. You went to see one of his clients, and then you went to see Miss Kathy and Miss Lauren. You put on a good show for everyone, he said, because you are a great visiting baby. You smile and coo and show them all your good tricks. We appreciate your trickiness. :-)
You sat with me for a little while - maybe 30 minutes - while I sewed. When you got tired of watching me from your swing, I sat you in my lap. You did not care for the sound the machine made. This was funny to me, because when I used to sew while I was pregnant, you got all active and smacky and kicky then, too, and I always said, "I guess you don't like that noise!" and apparently that is still true.
Today you really were checking out my arm. You have looked at it and touched it a lot before, but today you were fascinated. I think it's the first time you realized you could touch it and that it was part of me. Surprise! I'm more than just boobs! :-) But you were very cute, touching my arm, and I'd say, "That's my ARM! Arm! Arm! Arm!" and you'd pull your hand back, look at me and laugh while looking away all coy-like. Then you'd start over.
You also did a lot of vocalizing tonight. We would say, "HEY!" and you'd make noises that sounded like you were trying to copy us by saying "HEY!" back. I think your first word will probably be something totally "HAIR!" or something else like that. Definitely not "Mommy" or "Daddy." Maybe "Sully," though. We talk about him a lot.
We also played a little bit with a toy from Aunt Gina and Uncle Tripp. You liked the snake that made a rattle noise and kept patting it and being amused with the noise. You also liked touching the giraffe and looked a little bit at yourself in the mirror. I was glad you were reaching out and touching the toy - I had started to worry that you weren't going to ever show an interest in touching things with your hands. Of course, you're still not TOO keen on that whole "pushing up" thing...
I'm looking forward to what you decide to do tomorrow!
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