I can't believe I haven't written about your first trip to Alabama or your first trip to my home town of Jacksonville. You keep me pretty busy, but I'll find time to write about them soon, and hopefully even be motivated enough to put up pictures. But I needed to capture today before I forgot, because today - You were awesome.
First of all, you slept and slept last night. After being dead asleep by 8:30pm, you got up once to eat around 3:30 and again around 6:30. You were VERY smiley when I came in to get you when you woke up again at 8:00. You were laughing and talking and squealing to your animal friends. Little did I know that your good mood would last ALL day. You were also so funny - you do not yet push up with your arms, but your little knees were pulled up under you so that your butt was in the air as you tried and tried to get to those fuzzy friends of yours. You somehow turn 90 degrees in your sleep each night...counter clockwise. If I lay you down facing the left, when I come to pick you up you'll be facing down. If I lay you down facing to the right, you end up facing up. And you don't quite fit so well up and down in your crib anymore. I remember when we first got the crib set up and put you in it - it was SO huge and you were this teenie little bundle in the middle. You are just growing so fast!
Daddy had a meeting to go to, so he left around 10:00am and you took a shower with me after we watched your favorite morning talk show: Dr. Phil. I would peek out from the shower curtain and you would LAUGH! Then I fed you and we went out to Hobby Lobby and the post office. I was worried that you would have a bad experience in the car, since you had to ride so long yesterday, but you fell asleep on the way to Hobby Lobby! We walked around and you sucked the side of the Snugli as we looked at all sorts of fun craft stuff. I realized after awhile that I had been pretty quiet and started to talk to you. I used to realize that all the time while I was pregnant - that I hadn't talked in a long time. I was really afraid you wouldn't know me when you were born because I didn't talk to you like I assumed I would, what with all the pet-talking I had done before I got pregnant. But back to you - So then I gave you a quick lunch in the car and it was on to the post office. I needed to mail a small package and some cards, and you were an excellent helper - just look!

You were touching all over the box, trying to get it into your mouth. Just last week you would have totally ignored a box in your lap. All the people in the post office remarked at how cute you were and what a good helper. :-) Everyone remarks about you, Lilah. They think you are cute and fun. And they are right!
We came home, and Daddy decided to take you out on some errands with him. He said you talked and sang* the whole time. He also said you were pulling your "coy" act when he had you at a gift shop. I want to know who taught you to play coy?! You are only 3 months old. How do you know that? And why did you do ok in your carseat today when normally you would have screamed like it was torture? I think you learn things really quickly. You have started to touch your feet and your knees with your hands when I change you, and you will grab your burp cloth and pull it to your mouth to chew on it when I lay it near you. You also have started to hold on if I bend over while holding you, and you definitely prefer to sit up than to be reclined. *I have determined that when you start to make a sound like you are crying, but you are making happy faces, that this is your version of singing. You must think it is a part of general communication, because we sing songs to you between 50 - 80% of our communications with you. When you got home, the only time you cried was when you were hungry again.
And then by 7:00, you were exhausted. I tried to keep you awake until your 8:30 normal bedtime routine, but felt sorry for you and so to bed you went at 8:00pm. I'm about to go to bed, too, because I am pretty sure you will wake up in a couple of hours ready for a meal :-)
Does someone come to you at night and teach you all this stuff? I hope they are nice to you. And I hope tomorrow is just like today, because you were a peach. You were so sweet, I want to get you up just to hold you! But I won't. Because I'll have a chance again tomorrow. Lucky me!