Congratulations! You have discovered your foot! The past three days you have spent many hours attempting to get your foot from where your foot is to your mouth. You attempt this every time you are sockless. You are far less interested in your foot when you have socks's like you forget your pudgy pink toes are there, just ripe for the biting.
This new found foot fetish accompanies your new interest in flopping your hands into whatever is closest to you. This weekend, you flopped your hand into Tikka Masala and Queso, and tonight you tried to flop your hand into Daddy's hibachi rice. Luckily, I have interceded and cleaned off your hand before you had a chance to either wipe the substances in your eye or lick them off...neither of which seem like a good idea to me.
You have also decided that it is HILARIOUS when I talk to you in a funny low voice. It is seriously the most hilarious thing you've ever seen. Even when you're sad, if I talk to you in a low voice, you crack up and laugh like a big girl.
I like how you're beginning to be curious about your environment, but I know that this means you're about to be into EVERYTHING and I'm actually going to have to keep things up and out of your long-fingered grasp.
When I went to get you out of bed this morning, you looked like a sky-diver: arms flung behind you, legs straight, middle rocked back and forth while you held your head up big and strong like a grown up girl...and when I said, "Good Morning, Pretty girl!" you smiled a big huge smile and then immediately played shy, hiding your face in your sheet. It is *so* nice that you wake up happy almost each and every morning. Even if you do dissolve into tears when I change your diaper before feeding you (honey, seriously, you were super wet and I didn't want that all over my jammies).

We took you to a party tonight where you were the belle of the wore a little green party dress and looked like a doll. But it was close to eating and sleeping time, and when all these strangers came up on you and talked to you and touched you, you poked out that little bottom lip and let us know that this was NOT fun for you. In fact, you didn't smile at all until your Aunt Gina showed up and started talking to you. She managed to say just the right things and keep you from crying until we could leave. You were asleep in your car seat before we got a mile away.
In case I don't tell you enough, thanks for being such an awesome baby. We really enjoy having you live with us. Please stay this way always.*
*By always, I mean awesome, not a tiny baby. That would be creepy and weird.