Sunday, April 12, 2009

First Easter -

Dearest Lilah -

Happy Easter! Continuing our trend of being slack, negligent parents, we did not invite the Easter Bunny to stop by the house this year. Our thinking is that since you are only three months old and are not going to remember this year anyway, we can let some other child get the attention from the Easter Bunny this year and wait until you are a bit older. But that didn't mean that you missed out on all the Easter fun. We spent the day traveling around Greenville to visit with family and friends!

First we went to Uncle Tripp and Aunt Gina's house for brunch. You were not having a good morning and were pretty grumpy visiting there. It was too bad, because you don't often get to see them and I was hoping you would put on your smiley show for them. But oh no. Upside down "U" mouth most of the morning! No smiles for Uncle Tripp. No smiles for Aunt Gina. No smiles for Grandmama. Nope, even when you were sitting with Uncle Aaron you weren't your usual happy self! But we had a great brunch and then watched Seph hunt for his eggs. You had to have a little nap around noon.

A couple of hours later, we went to Nana and Grandpa Bob Cooper's for dinner. We had a delicious sat so pretty with Daddy at the table and fell asleep not long after the salad course. After a short nap, you rejoined us for the end of the meal and then proceeded to be totally cute for the rest of the afternoon! You smiled and giggled and checked out your friend Meredith! You had a good time watching Evan and Indy play with his star man. You would laugh and smile every time they ran by. You really did will for Tim and Beth and Danny and Nichole and Uncle Zufall!

You are conked out now, sleeping like crazy. I hope you enjoyed your first Easter, baby, and I look forward to teaching you all about the meaning of this holiday when you get older.

Love you -