Dearest Lilah,
Your daddy took you out visiting today. You went to see one of his clients, and then you went to see Miss Kathy and Miss Lauren. You put on a good show for everyone, he said, because you are a great visiting baby. You smile and coo and show them all your good tricks. We appreciate your trickiness. :-)
You sat with me for a little while - maybe 30 minutes - while I sewed. When you got tired of watching me from your swing, I sat you in my lap. You did not care for the sound the machine made. This was funny to me, because when I used to sew while I was pregnant, you got all active and smacky and kicky then, too, and I always said, "I guess you don't like that noise!" and apparently that is still true.
Today you really were checking out my arm. You have looked at it and touched it a lot before, but today you were fascinated. I think it's the first time you realized you could touch it and that it was part of me. Surprise! I'm more than just boobs! :-) But you were very cute, touching my arm, and I'd say, "That's my ARM! Arm! Arm! Arm!" and you'd pull your hand back, look at me and laugh while looking away all coy-like. Then you'd start over.
You also did a lot of vocalizing tonight. We would say, "HEY!" and you'd make noises that sounded like you were trying to copy us by saying "HEY!" back. I think your first word will probably be something totally "HAIR!" or something else like that. Definitely not "Mommy" or "Daddy." Maybe "Sully," though. We talk about him a lot.
We also played a little bit with a toy from Aunt Gina and Uncle Tripp. You liked the snake that made a rattle noise and kept patting it and being amused with the noise. You also liked touching the giraffe and looked a little bit at yourself in the mirror. I was glad you were reaching out and touching the toy - I had started to worry that you weren't going to ever show an interest in touching things with your hands. Of course, you're still not TOO keen on that whole "pushing up" thing...
I'm looking forward to what you decide to do tomorrow!