Dearest Lilah,
We had another big week together this week, you and I. I finally feel like you know who I am and that you kind of sort of like me. And can I say, I kind of sort of like you back! I always feel more accomplished when we leave the house and go somewhere during the day, even if it's just for a little while. So every day when you woke up and helped Mommy get showered and dressed, we went out. A trip to the store here. A stop at the coffee shop there. Just to get out of the house. And I'm sorry to say that here, on Friday, I have totally forgotten what we did each day this week. But I do remember all the sweet smiles that you've given me this week. You have the best smile; people LOVE it when they talk to you and you flash that big, toothless grin back at them. And then I'm sure they look at me and wonder how this tired looking hag managed to give birth to such a cute baby.
You've started to cuddle. Put your head on my shoulder. It makes my heart melt into a big old puddle. It's just so...sweet. You just surrender yourself to me. You know I will hold you. You know I will take care of you, so you just put your head down and make yourself comfy.
Today we met Mary and Catie at the Greek Festival. Last year at the Greek Festival, I had just found out I was expecting you and I was looking forward to eating at the festival for all four days. But then, something happened. I didn't feel well after I ate there alone on Thursday, and then when your Daddy and I went back on Saturday, I didn't feel well at ALL. I ate and tried to ignore my nausea, but it didn't help. And that was the last time I have eaten a traditional gyro! For a long time, I couldn't even think about Greek food. The mere thought of a pita made me so sick I almost threw up. I finally got over that, thank goodness, because Daddy had a hard time avoiding driving past every restaurant in town that had anything greek in it. To this day, I am not ready to eat a traditional Gyro, so I tried the beef tenderloin version today. Holy moly, baby. I hope you enjoyed that second hand later this afternoon as much as I did. You were so well behaved while I ate. Just put that sweet head on my shoulder and sucked your carrier. :-)
We met Uncle Zufall for lunch on Thursday; we ate at our favorite buffet, Handi. You kept trying to eat the tablecloth. Before we got there, you totally pooped through your pants, so you had to go to lunch pantsless. Let me just tell you, baby, that is something you can only get away with now. As you grow older, it will become less and less acceptable to dine out without pants. And also it will be less acceptable to poop on yourself.
You had a big week for postcards this week, too. We got one from Aunt Tinita in New York, one from Miss Kim from London, and one from Uncle Zufall from his trip to the Grand Canyon. I really hope you like all of your postcards and that people continue to send them. I mean, if not, that's ok because I've gotten a lot of enjoyment from them. Mommy loves mail. :-)
Tomorrow, we're going to a party at the birth center, unless Midwife Linda's daughter is having her baby. Then it will be at Miss Mary's house. Then we're going to a baby shower for Daddy's friend Katie. She hasn't seen you in person since you were 2 weeks old. She'll be surprised at how big you've gotten! Daddy is looking forward to showing you off, I think.
Thanks for another good week, Lilah. I'm looking forward to the next one!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
More presents for me!
Dearest Lilah,
Bless your sweet heart - you have given Mommy a new holiday to celebrate! Mommy loves holidays that are just for her; just ask Daddy. He'll tell you about how I celebrate "Birth Month" for the entire duration of February because I think I'm just that special. :-)
For my very first Mother's Day, you were sweet enough to tell Daddy that I like to pick out my own presents. Luckily, Daddy ignored all the hints I dropped about wanting this necklace:
I wanted this necklace for mother's day SO BAD. I wanted silver January with a red jewel on your birthdate. However, the Friday before Mother's Day, it was featured on the Ellen show. So NOW everyone in the free world will be wearing this necklace. It doesn't make it less awesome...except that yeah, it does a little bit. Anyway, due to Daddy's negligence in attending to my every whim, I was able to pick out TWO beautiful necklaces at our local art festival, Artisphere. One is an oxidized sterling swirl with a pretty little chocolate diamond in the center. The other is a mixture of oxidized silver with gold and highly polished silver. So pretty, and so awesome to have them as a reminder of my very first mother's day!
On Sunday, Gramma and Grandpa came up for lunch. We showed them the garden and took a few pictures before they left
Later we had dinner with Uncle Tripp, Aunt Gina, Seph and Grandmama. You sat with Grandmama while we ate and laughed and laughed. You seemed to have a good day with all those people giving you good love!!
And the presents keep coming! Today, Miss Big Girl, I put you in the floor to play while I folded clothes next to you. And there you went, rolling over from your back to your front! You seemed so proud of yourself, like, "Hey - did you see that? I can move!"
We also went and visited your baby friend Hannah today. You were so sweet; you looked at her like she was the most amazing thing you'd ever seen. And when she started to cry, you started to cry. I hope this means that you have a great capacity for empathy, and will always think of others feelings, consider what they are going through, and how your actions may affect them. I feel that would be one of my great acheivements as a mother if you learn this.

You've had a hard day today; you're teething and having some tummy troubles. You went to sleep at 6:30 so I can only imagine that means another long/late night for us. I hope that you know that even when I'm so tired I can barely function, I still love you to pieces. I know you'd rather sleep all night and get good rest and that you're not doing this to be mean to me. But I would appreciate it if you'd start sleeping a little bit longer at a time. Mommy still needs her beauty sleep!
Bless your sweet heart - you have given Mommy a new holiday to celebrate! Mommy loves holidays that are just for her; just ask Daddy. He'll tell you about how I celebrate "Birth Month" for the entire duration of February because I think I'm just that special. :-)
For my very first Mother's Day, you were sweet enough to tell Daddy that I like to pick out my own presents. Luckily, Daddy ignored all the hints I dropped about wanting this necklace:
I wanted this necklace for mother's day SO BAD. I wanted silver January with a red jewel on your birthdate. However, the Friday before Mother's Day, it was featured on the Ellen show. So NOW everyone in the free world will be wearing this necklace. It doesn't make it less awesome...except that yeah, it does a little bit. Anyway, due to Daddy's negligence in attending to my every whim, I was able to pick out TWO beautiful necklaces at our local art festival, Artisphere. One is an oxidized sterling swirl with a pretty little chocolate diamond in the center. The other is a mixture of oxidized silver with gold and highly polished silver. So pretty, and so awesome to have them as a reminder of my very first mother's day!
On Sunday, Gramma and Grandpa came up for lunch. We showed them the garden and took a few pictures before they left

And the presents keep coming! Today, Miss Big Girl, I put you in the floor to play while I folded clothes next to you. And there you went, rolling over from your back to your front! You seemed so proud of yourself, like, "Hey - did you see that? I can move!"
We also went and visited your baby friend Hannah today. You were so sweet; you looked at her like she was the most amazing thing you'd ever seen. And when she started to cry, you started to cry. I hope this means that you have a great capacity for empathy, and will always think of others feelings, consider what they are going through, and how your actions may affect them. I feel that would be one of my great acheivements as a mother if you learn this.

You've had a hard day today; you're teething and having some tummy troubles. You went to sleep at 6:30 so I can only imagine that means another long/late night for us. I hope that you know that even when I'm so tired I can barely function, I still love you to pieces. I know you'd rather sleep all night and get good rest and that you're not doing this to be mean to me. But I would appreciate it if you'd start sleeping a little bit longer at a time. Mommy still needs her beauty sleep!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Average is the new AWESOME.
Dearest Lilah -
Yesterday I took you to your 4-month-old well baby check. You had to get a shot :-( I hate it when you have to get a shot. Luckily you won't have to get another one until June! You have grown so much since your 2-month appointment! You weighed 12 pounds, 14 ounces and were 24.5 inches long! You also have a 40cm head circumference, whatever that means. On the chart it comes out to being in the exact 50th percentile on each, so you are my perfectly average baby! And baby, there is nothing I love more than being average! I had a perfectly average pregnancy with you, a perfectly average birth and now you are my perfectly average baby. You know what I like about average? It's good. It may not be spectacular, but who needs that drama? You keep on being average, love. It's a good road. Besides, I figure if you stay mostly average now, it leaves you open to having some above average tendencies elsewhere. :-)
One question I meant to ask the nurse practioner while we were there was when you can figure out whether a person will be right- or left-handed. You seem to be exhibiting some left-handed usually are grabbing things with your left hand, but you do use your right hand from time to time. And you always are petting yourself with your left hand. I'm fine, by the way, if you are left-handed. I have long suspected that your Uncle Patrick was supposed to be left-handed, because he writes with his hand turned so far in, he might as well be writing with his other hand. Watch him some time if you have the chance - it's interesting. Just don't expect to be able to read anything he writes. He has horrible handwriting.
After your shot, we went to Target and wandered around for a bit waiting for Roly Poly to open. In the meantime, the bottom fell out and we got stuck running to the car in the rain. Luckily for you, you were zipped up in my rain coat, sleeping away. Then we went and I ate some soup and a sandwich. After the rain let up, we went out to Artisphere so I could scope the scene for our trip there today. I saw a lot of things I liked. :-) The shot and the travels must have worn you out; you went to sleep at 7:30 and slept until 5:30am!!! God bless you, little baby, for sleeping ten hours and allowing Mommy six straight hours of sleep for the first time since PROBABLY November 2008. I hate that you had to be pumped full of nasty germs to get you to sleep, but I hope it was a nice, restorative sleep for you. You certainly seemed in a good mood when you finally got up for the day at 8:30am. You were smiling and talking to your fuzzies.
We got up and went out to the Saturday Market downtown and got a local steak for dinner plus some pretty, fresh, still on the root spinach and some fresh ravioli and gnocchi. We love going to the market. Mommy always gets Shrimp and Grits on Saturdays for breakfast with an iced coffee or latte from our local roaster, West End Coffee. Then we walked on down to Artisphere. We used some gift money that Gramma and Grandpa gave us for our anniversary to buy a beautiful mirror made of enamel fused to copper. Then you and Daddy let me pick out two pretty mother's day gifts (because daddy did not buy them already for me to get tomorrow, but that's ok. What I wanted him to buy me was featured on the "Ellen" show on Friday, so now everyone will have one and it wouldn't be special anymore): Two, beautiful necklaces! One is oxidized sterling silver and has a chocolate diamond in the center of the swirl. The other is a sterling silver piece with different colors oxidized onto it, then an open cutwork piece of 14k Gold, and then another open cutwork piece but in sterling silver. It is so very cool! I am so lucky to have a very interesting and special jewelry collection thanks to your daddy. You stand to inherit a pretty awesome stash of sterling jewelry! (Mommy's not into the expensive stuff. LOL) Of course, I bought myself a little mother's day gift...sort of. It's for me now, but I will give it to you when you're older, probably for your 16th birthday: It's a sterling silver pendant that is a zero with a nine inside, representing the year you were born! I just think it is neat; I wish there was a cool way to creat a "77" for me. Then again, that might just clue people in to how ancient I am. :-)
Anyway, I want to thank you again for being an awesome baby. Your Gramma is going to come see you tomorrow and share my first mother's day with me. I need to figure out how to make myself presentable since I'd like a "3 generations" picture on my first mother's day :-) But since all my hair is trying to fall out (thanks hormones!) it's hard to feel pretty these days. Oh yeah, and my stomach pooch...(thanks baby!)
Yesterday I took you to your 4-month-old well baby check. You had to get a shot :-( I hate it when you have to get a shot. Luckily you won't have to get another one until June! You have grown so much since your 2-month appointment! You weighed 12 pounds, 14 ounces and were 24.5 inches long! You also have a 40cm head circumference, whatever that means. On the chart it comes out to being in the exact 50th percentile on each, so you are my perfectly average baby! And baby, there is nothing I love more than being average! I had a perfectly average pregnancy with you, a perfectly average birth and now you are my perfectly average baby. You know what I like about average? It's good. It may not be spectacular, but who needs that drama? You keep on being average, love. It's a good road. Besides, I figure if you stay mostly average now, it leaves you open to having some above average tendencies elsewhere. :-)
One question I meant to ask the nurse practioner while we were there was when you can figure out whether a person will be right- or left-handed. You seem to be exhibiting some left-handed usually are grabbing things with your left hand, but you do use your right hand from time to time. And you always are petting yourself with your left hand. I'm fine, by the way, if you are left-handed. I have long suspected that your Uncle Patrick was supposed to be left-handed, because he writes with his hand turned so far in, he might as well be writing with his other hand. Watch him some time if you have the chance - it's interesting. Just don't expect to be able to read anything he writes. He has horrible handwriting.
After your shot, we went to Target and wandered around for a bit waiting for Roly Poly to open. In the meantime, the bottom fell out and we got stuck running to the car in the rain. Luckily for you, you were zipped up in my rain coat, sleeping away. Then we went and I ate some soup and a sandwich. After the rain let up, we went out to Artisphere so I could scope the scene for our trip there today. I saw a lot of things I liked. :-) The shot and the travels must have worn you out; you went to sleep at 7:30 and slept until 5:30am!!! God bless you, little baby, for sleeping ten hours and allowing Mommy six straight hours of sleep for the first time since PROBABLY November 2008. I hate that you had to be pumped full of nasty germs to get you to sleep, but I hope it was a nice, restorative sleep for you. You certainly seemed in a good mood when you finally got up for the day at 8:30am. You were smiling and talking to your fuzzies.
We got up and went out to the Saturday Market downtown and got a local steak for dinner plus some pretty, fresh, still on the root spinach and some fresh ravioli and gnocchi. We love going to the market. Mommy always gets Shrimp and Grits on Saturdays for breakfast with an iced coffee or latte from our local roaster, West End Coffee. Then we walked on down to Artisphere. We used some gift money that Gramma and Grandpa gave us for our anniversary to buy a beautiful mirror made of enamel fused to copper. Then you and Daddy let me pick out two pretty mother's day gifts (because daddy did not buy them already for me to get tomorrow, but that's ok. What I wanted him to buy me was featured on the "Ellen" show on Friday, so now everyone will have one and it wouldn't be special anymore): Two, beautiful necklaces! One is oxidized sterling silver and has a chocolate diamond in the center of the swirl. The other is a sterling silver piece with different colors oxidized onto it, then an open cutwork piece of 14k Gold, and then another open cutwork piece but in sterling silver. It is so very cool! I am so lucky to have a very interesting and special jewelry collection thanks to your daddy. You stand to inherit a pretty awesome stash of sterling jewelry! (Mommy's not into the expensive stuff. LOL) Of course, I bought myself a little mother's day gift...sort of. It's for me now, but I will give it to you when you're older, probably for your 16th birthday: It's a sterling silver pendant that is a zero with a nine inside, representing the year you were born! I just think it is neat; I wish there was a cool way to creat a "77" for me. Then again, that might just clue people in to how ancient I am. :-)
Anyway, I want to thank you again for being an awesome baby. Your Gramma is going to come see you tomorrow and share my first mother's day with me. I need to figure out how to make myself presentable since I'd like a "3 generations" picture on my first mother's day :-) But since all my hair is trying to fall out (thanks hormones!) it's hard to feel pretty these days. Oh yeah, and my stomach pooch...(thanks baby!)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Dearest Lilah -
We've been by ourselves this week while your Daddy is working out of town. You spend a lot of time with him when he's home, so I was concerned you'd get tired of me, me, and more me during his absence. Luckily, you are giving me the benefit of the doubt and - aside from your newly craptastic sleeping habits - are being a total angel.
We had a busy day today, one that resulted in my surely winning a nomination if not a win for the "Crappiest Mother of the Year" award. We went shopping in two stores (your mommy is now ever the bargain hunter and scours all the circulars for what she needs) and the bookstore. At the bookstore, you lost your right sock and a kind gentlemen found it and returned it. At BiLo, you lost your left sock...and it is never to be seen by us again. So my first nomination comes from letting you spend the rest of the day sockless.
It never ceases to amaze me how much attention you draw when we are out together. When you walk around with your Daddy, he draws attention with, "Oh, pretty baby, good Daddy." When you're with me, you get the crazy attention. Everyone wants to touch you, like you're a religious icon. I guess, though, that makes sense...babies are the sweetest, most innocent creatures on earth, and it's easy to think that you have most recently been touched by God. I can see why someone would want to be near that, to touch it, if just for a second. It's like touching the hem of Christ's gown; not the man himself but something that has touched him, and that's good enough somehow to feel blessed.
And so when a nice, older woman came up to me at Wal-Mart and asked how old you were, I could totally understand her interest. However, I do have to worry about germs. So when she started to reach for your face in your carrier - to pull it down to see your face - I froze. Strange woman reaching her in-need-of-a-manicured finger towards my baby's mouth = stand with face of horror. I didn't KNOW at first that she was just going to pull down your carrier...she kept asking what you were chewing on. I said, "She's cutting teeth. She's just trying to get some teeth." I was trying to block her with my shoulder, but she just kept coming. She eventually just walked off. But she wasn't the only one in the store who was enchanted by you. One gentleman remarked that perhaps you were tired of being worn around since you had spent nine months that way. Another lady squeaked with delight both times she saw you in the store and finally asked about you. She wondered off with her male companion, and I overheard her say, "OoooooIwantabaaaaaaaaaaaaabyyyyy!" To which he replied, "Do you want me to get you pregnant?" She had a very strong negative response, but I couldn't help but laugh. You are it. You are the crack baby of the neighborhood.
It's your eyes. No one can resist your big, blue eyes. I should know...I fell for a set just like them 5.5 years ago.
So, after our big day of shopping and enchanting, I brought you home, where you fussed a little towards 6:00. I knew you were sleepy; you didn't take a nap ALL DAY. So I gave you your bath (you stay so quiet during baths. It's kind of sad in a way) and didn't get a smile from you until I broke out the "Baby Massage" song. I got you dressed and fed but you were still fussy. I put you on my shoulder to burp you and you got so still, so quiet, so limp. You turned your head towards me and smiled. Your eyes were so tired - open but still. Your little mouth hung open and I could feel your soft little breaths on my face. I smiled at you and the corners of your mouth ever so slightly crinkled upward. Not a blink. Not a movement. I touched your face and you closed your eyes and fell into that happy place where your body grows and restores and processes everything you've learned for the day.
You were so peaceful.
And so, dear baby, at that moment I realized that when I die, I would like it to go just like that. Quiet contentment on my face as I close my eyes and fall into that happy place...
We've been by ourselves this week while your Daddy is working out of town. You spend a lot of time with him when he's home, so I was concerned you'd get tired of me, me, and more me during his absence. Luckily, you are giving me the benefit of the doubt and - aside from your newly craptastic sleeping habits - are being a total angel.
We had a busy day today, one that resulted in my surely winning a nomination if not a win for the "Crappiest Mother of the Year" award. We went shopping in two stores (your mommy is now ever the bargain hunter and scours all the circulars for what she needs) and the bookstore. At the bookstore, you lost your right sock and a kind gentlemen found it and returned it. At BiLo, you lost your left sock...and it is never to be seen by us again. So my first nomination comes from letting you spend the rest of the day sockless.
It never ceases to amaze me how much attention you draw when we are out together. When you walk around with your Daddy, he draws attention with, "Oh, pretty baby, good Daddy." When you're with me, you get the crazy attention. Everyone wants to touch you, like you're a religious icon. I guess, though, that makes sense...babies are the sweetest, most innocent creatures on earth, and it's easy to think that you have most recently been touched by God. I can see why someone would want to be near that, to touch it, if just for a second. It's like touching the hem of Christ's gown; not the man himself but something that has touched him, and that's good enough somehow to feel blessed.
And so when a nice, older woman came up to me at Wal-Mart and asked how old you were, I could totally understand her interest. However, I do have to worry about germs. So when she started to reach for your face in your carrier - to pull it down to see your face - I froze. Strange woman reaching her in-need-of-a-manicured finger towards my baby's mouth = stand with face of horror. I didn't KNOW at first that she was just going to pull down your carrier...she kept asking what you were chewing on. I said, "She's cutting teeth. She's just trying to get some teeth." I was trying to block her with my shoulder, but she just kept coming. She eventually just walked off. But she wasn't the only one in the store who was enchanted by you. One gentleman remarked that perhaps you were tired of being worn around since you had spent nine months that way. Another lady squeaked with delight both times she saw you in the store and finally asked about you. She wondered off with her male companion, and I overheard her say, "OoooooIwantabaaaaaaaaaaaaabyyyyy!" To which he replied, "Do you want me to get you pregnant?" She had a very strong negative response, but I couldn't help but laugh. You are it. You are the crack baby of the neighborhood.
It's your eyes. No one can resist your big, blue eyes. I should know...I fell for a set just like them 5.5 years ago.
So, after our big day of shopping and enchanting, I brought you home, where you fussed a little towards 6:00. I knew you were sleepy; you didn't take a nap ALL DAY. So I gave you your bath (you stay so quiet during baths. It's kind of sad in a way) and didn't get a smile from you until I broke out the "Baby Massage" song. I got you dressed and fed but you were still fussy. I put you on my shoulder to burp you and you got so still, so quiet, so limp. You turned your head towards me and smiled. Your eyes were so tired - open but still. Your little mouth hung open and I could feel your soft little breaths on my face. I smiled at you and the corners of your mouth ever so slightly crinkled upward. Not a blink. Not a movement. I touched your face and you closed your eyes and fell into that happy place where your body grows and restores and processes everything you've learned for the day.
You were so peaceful.
And so, dear baby, at that moment I realized that when I die, I would like it to go just like that. Quiet contentment on my face as I close my eyes and fall into that happy place...
Saturday, May 2, 2009
You spin YOU right round, baby -
Dearest Lilah -
First things first: Thanks so much for being an awesome baby. You must have sensed how desperately I needed a nap today, because not only did you actually TAKE a nap, but you took a LONG nap, and then still went down at your regular bedtime without a single fuss. You really are the best baby ever. You make me want about 12 of you. But the next one might be a nightmare, so I really am not favoring those odds. Congratulations on your only-childness :-D
We took you to your first Saturday Market downtown today! I spent my entire pregnancy eating Soby's Shrimp and Grits on Saturday mornings, and we went almost every Saturday until we had to take Miss Mary's classes on how to get you born :-) I had you dressed in the Reese's cup onesie I had made for you, and since it was orange and you had on brown pants, everyone thought you were a boy. I am so sorry that I dress you ambiguously. :-) You're just cute and I don't think you should be trapped wearing only pink or purple!
Tonight I realized that you don't ever get a chance to just lay around and play. Unlike the moms who actually pay attention to suggestions on how to help your baby get ahead in life, I ignore the mandated stomach play time for the most part. You used to hate it so much, and I didn't like for you to be sad, especially when you had great control over your head and neck anyway, so it didn't seem like you really NEEDED it...anyway - you don't do it very often. But tonight, I'm so glad I did!
I put you down and talked to you as you lifted yourself up so HIGH! And, even though you still don't really lean much on your hands/arms, you were holding yourself up SO well! And then you started to turn yourself to the left. Slowly, deliberately you worked your way around 90 degrees from your starting point. And then slowly, deliberately, you worked your way the other 90 degrees around to face your daddy! You squeaked and squealed and smiled and laughed the whole time. You are so happy. I mean, seriously, baby - you really only cry when you're super super tired or hungry. Who can complain about that?
This morning when I woke up, I just wanted to squeeze you to pieces you were so sweet and cute. It's weird - I've always loved you, but it seems like ALL OF THE LOVE hit me today, out of nowhere. I just couldn't get enough of you! You were very sweet all day.
Anyway - it's fun to watch you learn and figure things out. It's fun to watch you pay attention to the dog and cat now, where before they went unnoticed. It's sweet to see you turn your head to look at him when your daddy talks to you. It's sweet that sometimes while you're eating, you just stop and stare at me and smile big, big smiles. And sometimes, after you've finished and fallen asleep, you smile sleepy, dreamy smiles that make me so happy to know you.
I can't wait to see what fun we'll have tomorrow.
First things first: Thanks so much for being an awesome baby. You must have sensed how desperately I needed a nap today, because not only did you actually TAKE a nap, but you took a LONG nap, and then still went down at your regular bedtime without a single fuss. You really are the best baby ever. You make me want about 12 of you. But the next one might be a nightmare, so I really am not favoring those odds. Congratulations on your only-childness :-D
We took you to your first Saturday Market downtown today! I spent my entire pregnancy eating Soby's Shrimp and Grits on Saturday mornings, and we went almost every Saturday until we had to take Miss Mary's classes on how to get you born :-) I had you dressed in the Reese's cup onesie I had made for you, and since it was orange and you had on brown pants, everyone thought you were a boy. I am so sorry that I dress you ambiguously. :-) You're just cute and I don't think you should be trapped wearing only pink or purple!
Tonight I realized that you don't ever get a chance to just lay around and play. Unlike the moms who actually pay attention to suggestions on how to help your baby get ahead in life, I ignore the mandated stomach play time for the most part. You used to hate it so much, and I didn't like for you to be sad, especially when you had great control over your head and neck anyway, so it didn't seem like you really NEEDED it...anyway - you don't do it very often. But tonight, I'm so glad I did!
I put you down and talked to you as you lifted yourself up so HIGH! And, even though you still don't really lean much on your hands/arms, you were holding yourself up SO well! And then you started to turn yourself to the left. Slowly, deliberately you worked your way around 90 degrees from your starting point. And then slowly, deliberately, you worked your way the other 90 degrees around to face your daddy! You squeaked and squealed and smiled and laughed the whole time. You are so happy. I mean, seriously, baby - you really only cry when you're super super tired or hungry. Who can complain about that?
This morning when I woke up, I just wanted to squeeze you to pieces you were so sweet and cute. It's weird - I've always loved you, but it seems like ALL OF THE LOVE hit me today, out of nowhere. I just couldn't get enough of you! You were very sweet all day.
Anyway - it's fun to watch you learn and figure things out. It's fun to watch you pay attention to the dog and cat now, where before they went unnoticed. It's sweet to see you turn your head to look at him when your daddy talks to you. It's sweet that sometimes while you're eating, you just stop and stare at me and smile big, big smiles. And sometimes, after you've finished and fallen asleep, you smile sleepy, dreamy smiles that make me so happy to know you.
I can't wait to see what fun we'll have tomorrow.
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