Bless your sweet heart - you have given Mommy a new holiday to celebrate! Mommy loves holidays that are just for her; just ask Daddy. He'll tell you about how I celebrate "Birth Month" for the entire duration of February because I think I'm just that special. :-)
For my very first Mother's Day, you were sweet enough to tell Daddy that I like to pick out my own presents. Luckily, Daddy ignored all the hints I dropped about wanting this necklace:
I wanted this necklace for mother's day SO BAD. I wanted silver January with a red jewel on your birthdate. However, the Friday before Mother's Day, it was featured on the Ellen show. So NOW everyone in the free world will be wearing this necklace. It doesn't make it less awesome...except that yeah, it does a little bit. Anyway, due to Daddy's negligence in attending to my every whim, I was able to pick out TWO beautiful necklaces at our local art festival, Artisphere. One is an oxidized sterling swirl with a pretty little chocolate diamond in the center. The other is a mixture of oxidized silver with gold and highly polished silver. So pretty, and so awesome to have them as a reminder of my very first mother's day!
On Sunday, Gramma and Grandpa came up for lunch. We showed them the garden and took a few pictures before they left

And the presents keep coming! Today, Miss Big Girl, I put you in the floor to play while I folded clothes next to you. And there you went, rolling over from your back to your front! You seemed so proud of yourself, like, "Hey - did you see that? I can move!"
We also went and visited your baby friend Hannah today. You were so sweet; you looked at her like she was the most amazing thing you'd ever seen. And when she started to cry, you started to cry. I hope this means that you have a great capacity for empathy, and will always think of others feelings, consider what they are going through, and how your actions may affect them. I feel that would be one of my great acheivements as a mother if you learn this.

You've had a hard day today; you're teething and having some tummy troubles. You went to sleep at 6:30 so I can only imagine that means another long/late night for us. I hope that you know that even when I'm so tired I can barely function, I still love you to pieces. I know you'd rather sleep all night and get good rest and that you're not doing this to be mean to me. But I would appreciate it if you'd start sleeping a little bit longer at a time. Mommy still needs her beauty sleep!