Saturday, May 2, 2009

You spin YOU right round, baby -

Dearest Lilah -

First things first: Thanks so much for being an awesome baby. You must have sensed how desperately I needed a nap today, because not only did you actually TAKE a nap, but you took a LONG nap, and then still went down at your regular bedtime without a single fuss. You really are the best baby ever. You make me want about 12 of you. But the next one might be a nightmare, so I really am not favoring those odds. Congratulations on your only-childness :-D

We took you to your first Saturday Market downtown today! I spent my entire pregnancy eating Soby's Shrimp and Grits on Saturday mornings, and we went almost every Saturday until we had to take Miss Mary's classes on how to get you born :-) I had you dressed in the Reese's cup onesie I had made for you, and since it was orange and you had on brown pants, everyone thought you were a boy. I am so sorry that I dress you ambiguously. :-) You're just cute and I don't think you should be trapped wearing only pink or purple!

Tonight I realized that you don't ever get a chance to just lay around and play. Unlike the moms who actually pay attention to suggestions on how to help your baby get ahead in life, I ignore the mandated stomach play time for the most part. You used to hate it so much, and I didn't like for you to be sad, especially when you had great control over your head and neck anyway, so it didn't seem like you really NEEDED it...anyway - you don't do it very often. But tonight, I'm so glad I did!

I put you down and talked to you as you lifted yourself up so HIGH! And, even though you still don't really lean much on your hands/arms, you were holding yourself up SO well! And then you started to turn yourself to the left. Slowly, deliberately you worked your way around 90 degrees from your starting point. And then slowly, deliberately, you worked your way the other 90 degrees around to face your daddy! You squeaked and squealed and smiled and laughed the whole time. You are so happy. I mean, seriously, baby - you really only cry when you're super super tired or hungry. Who can complain about that?

This morning when I woke up, I just wanted to squeeze you to pieces you were so sweet and cute. It's weird - I've always loved you, but it seems like ALL OF THE LOVE hit me today, out of nowhere. I just couldn't get enough of you! You were very sweet all day.

Anyway - it's fun to watch you learn and figure things out. It's fun to watch you pay attention to the dog and cat now, where before they went unnoticed. It's sweet to see you turn your head to look at him when your daddy talks to you. It's sweet that sometimes while you're eating, you just stop and stare at me and smile big, big smiles. And sometimes, after you've finished and fallen asleep, you smile sleepy, dreamy smiles that make me so happy to know you.

I can't wait to see what fun we'll have tomorrow.
