Dearest Lilah,
We had another big week together this week, you and I. I finally feel like you know who I am and that you kind of sort of like me. And can I say, I kind of sort of like you back! I always feel more accomplished when we leave the house and go somewhere during the day, even if it's just for a little while. So every day when you woke up and helped Mommy get showered and dressed, we went out. A trip to the store here. A stop at the coffee shop there. Just to get out of the house. And I'm sorry to say that here, on Friday, I have totally forgotten what we did each day this week. But I do remember all the sweet smiles that you've given me this week. You have the best smile; people LOVE it when they talk to you and you flash that big, toothless grin back at them. And then I'm sure they look at me and wonder how this tired looking hag managed to give birth to such a cute baby.
You've started to cuddle. Put your head on my shoulder. It makes my heart melt into a big old puddle. It's just so...sweet. You just surrender yourself to me. You know I will hold you. You know I will take care of you, so you just put your head down and make yourself comfy.
Today we met Mary and Catie at the Greek Festival. Last year at the Greek Festival, I had just found out I was expecting you and I was looking forward to eating at the festival for all four days. But then, something happened. I didn't feel well after I ate there alone on Thursday, and then when your Daddy and I went back on Saturday, I didn't feel well at ALL. I ate and tried to ignore my nausea, but it didn't help. And that was the last time I have eaten a traditional gyro! For a long time, I couldn't even think about Greek food. The mere thought of a pita made me so sick I almost threw up. I finally got over that, thank goodness, because Daddy had a hard time avoiding driving past every restaurant in town that had anything greek in it. To this day, I am not ready to eat a traditional Gyro, so I tried the beef tenderloin version today. Holy moly, baby. I hope you enjoyed that second hand later this afternoon as much as I did. You were so well behaved while I ate. Just put that sweet head on my shoulder and sucked your carrier. :-)
We met Uncle Zufall for lunch on Thursday; we ate at our favorite buffet, Handi. You kept trying to eat the tablecloth. Before we got there, you totally pooped through your pants, so you had to go to lunch pantsless. Let me just tell you, baby, that is something you can only get away with now. As you grow older, it will become less and less acceptable to dine out without pants. And also it will be less acceptable to poop on yourself.
You had a big week for postcards this week, too. We got one from Aunt Tinita in New York, one from Miss Kim from London, and one from Uncle Zufall from his trip to the Grand Canyon. I really hope you like all of your postcards and that people continue to send them. I mean, if not, that's ok because I've gotten a lot of enjoyment from them. Mommy loves mail. :-)
Tomorrow, we're going to a party at the birth center, unless Midwife Linda's daughter is having her baby. Then it will be at Miss Mary's house. Then we're going to a baby shower for Daddy's friend Katie. She hasn't seen you in person since you were 2 weeks old. She'll be surprised at how big you've gotten! Daddy is looking forward to showing you off, I think.
Thanks for another good week, Lilah. I'm looking forward to the next one!